• "The economy": The citizen calculation is an effective tool for the social protection



    Increases the savings and rationalization of consumption culture
    Economists, academics and experts agreed that "the calculation of the citizen" is an effective tool for the social protection and that it increases the culture of savings and rationalization of consumption, and that is an important step within the framework of actions that the government will take in the coming period.
    "The economy magazine" published by Asharqia Chamber in its edition for the month of March has highlighted "the  calculation of the citizen",  as experts said it is expected to affect the structural modifications during the period 2017/2020  directly and indirectly for the low income families, and these modifications will cause a radical change in the cost of energy products to the families and the cost of living in general, compared to other essential goods and services in the basket of consumer products. And that to realize the importance of supporting the Saudi low income families, and help them to bear the burdens of economic reforms, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development early last February launched a national program to support these families as "the  calculation of citizens" program, which aims primarily to protect Saudi families of medium income and low Income from the consequences of the modification of the governmental support system, and to protect the families of the unexpected effects, to be more faire according to the needs of the individual or family.
    Experts said that the program of citizen support account starts at $ 25 billion riyals in 2017, and gradually increase to reach by 2020 to between 60 to 70 billion riyals. Stressing that "the calculation of the citizen" essentially is seeking a new social support, which is directed to those who deserve support, not the public support, making the support goes directly to the citizen, which helps to rationalize, and the development of the principle of saving of a big segment of citizens.
    "The economy " pointed to the big challenges facing the economies that depend on selling oil, including Saudi Arabia economy, since the beginning of the wave of falling oil prices in June 2014 among the most prominent of these challenges revenue decline with more than 50%, noting that the banking sector is one of the most Saudi economic sectors affected
    by decline in public revenues in the Kingdom, which increased pressures, as a sector which handles the surpluses and government precaution, and the logical consequence is a decrease in the amount of the finance flowing to the banks, and a decline in lending and an increase in the provisions for the doubtful loans, which ultimately affect the banks profits. Despite this, it reflects the performance of Saudi banks so far a great ability to face challenges, but it is in accordance with international and regional financial institutions to maintain a strong financial centers.
    According to numbers and statistics, about 90% of the Kingdom revenues sourced from export of crude oil to world markets. Although this fact, however, that the performance of the Saudi economy was different to a great extent to the most comparable economies, as it managed to pass a lot of difficulties, which exhausted a lot of the world economies, and they are still experiencing, since the beginning of the international financial crisis in 2008.
    A group of financial institutions stressed the assessment and classification that Saudi banks are able to cope with the shock of lower oil, thanks to stronger financial positions and rates of finance, noting that Saudi banks are in a strong position and are well equipped to deal with the growing risks, the Saudi banks have hit a record level by the end of 2016, at 2.26 trillion riyals, with an increase of 2.2% from 2015.
    "The economy"  discussed the  profession of "reception" saying that in any corporation or other entity or company, when we get into any organization, the first to go to is the "receptionist", the first impression about the organization is made up through your conversation with the "receptionist". "The economy," met a number of young men and women from the reception staff, and listened to stories of them that happen again every morning, sometimes scrambling, and at other times they feel  the job security, but that pressure stands as a barrier in front of them to continue in this job, the most important long working hours, but the living conditions have forced many of them, especially the girls at work, even though they are somewhat according to them in a stressful environment.
    Most of the officials of the organizations assured that the Saudi girl ability and efficiency in the reception is better than young men, and despite the success of the girl, but she does not feel comfortable in this profession because of this social attitudes, as the young men suffer from frustration in this profession because of the lack of improvement in the job and the humble salary.
    In the blog of a man in times "economy," presented the biography of the life of the late Dr. Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al Askar, who loved "history", until it become his passion, and his passion until it become the flag of his students, researchers and teachers, says "the economy" that Al Askar is the son "Majmaah" was obsessed in history, his passion, and his ambition, and spent most of his life in this science that tells the life of the ancestors, providing analysis for their attitudes and their achievements, taking lessons of history from them, looking ahead, movement and orientations, looking to harness his methodology and research tools in the service of his country history. Dr. Al Askar is one of the most prominent writers in the history of our time, interested in history, "oral", in the interest of the historical material, and recognizing the importance of the document, and it was the most prominent advocates of encouraging  the "new historians." And got the doctorate degree
    for "Yamamah history" from the University of California, and has translated it into Arabic, titled "Al Yamamah history in the  early Islam, an attempt to understand".

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